About Us

Kwanzaa.net and Kwanzaa.shop are a joint project of the Ubuntu Products Company (UPC) and the Virtual Product Company (VPC). Consistent with the highest meaning of the word, Ubuntu - ”I am because we are” - this partnership was conceived to put every princi-ple of the Nguzo Saba (the Seven Principles) into practice at the highest level possible.

VPC manufactures custom designed products using the latest additive manufacturing technology. UPC markets a range of Kwanzaa themed products to advance the Nguzo Saba (the Seven Principles) as the basis for a much needed value system or code of con-duct in the Black community. UPC also markets Afrikan cultural products, more generally, as a way to celebrate ourselves and help elevate our conception of who we are.

By merging the efforts of these two Black owned companies, we are applying every princi-ple of the Nguzo Saba in a deliberate way to help us fully restore and realize ourselves. In doing this, we offer culturally conscious products that advance an elevated conception of Blackness that asks us to think about who we are in everything we do, and what our obligations are to ourselves and each other because of it.

Because, if the question is asked - “What does your Blackness mean?” - what would you say? Here, our Blackness means - culture, consciousness, and committed practice...

Nguzo Saba Products

We are pleased to be listed as a “Recommended Supplier” of Kwanzaa themed products with the founding organization of the holiday.

The Black Is Me

“The Black Is Me” line of clothing asks the question - ”What does your Blackness mean?” - and offers mean-ingful answers...

Africa Means Excellence

The Africa Means Excellence line of products seeks to remind us of our capabilities to encourage us to expect more from each other.

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